The Brass Ensemble is a project in which I invite non musicians to play the TRUMPET for the first time. Unlike most instruments that even without any knowledge a non musically trained person can get a sound by striking, bowing, etc… the Trumpet is an instrument that in peoples imaginary will make a sound by the simple act of BLOWING, but this is not the case… most people who tries the trumpet for the first time will realize that to make a "sound" out of this instrument requires technique.
The result is really interesting when someones blow the trumpet for the first time… I saw the surprise and perplexity in the faces of the players.
But the real intention of making these non musicians to tried the trumpet for the first time is not only to see and experience their reactions but to obtain pure first timers weird sounds, blows, slurps… The final idea is to compose a piece of music with all these sounds and short clips and present them in a multichannel video installation so the audience can listen the piece and see the players experience.
The Brass Ensemble is an idea that came along by thinking in the big free improvisation scene that Barcelona has. It seems that most musicians enjoy and feel a liberating musical experience when joining and performing with peers in these open musical approach.
I´ve been to many free improv sessions and actually my sound/music project Sun Color started with a very improvisational approach although I soon realized that after repeated performances the idea of “free” and “improvisation” where not there anymore ... and that there is a reminiscence with the sounds and the ways of avant-free jazz. YES! sometimes real magic happens in these “improvisations” and maybe the point was to play together with other musicians …but somehow I feel that it was maybe a bigger experience for the players itself that for the audience.
Many free improv performers are interested in applying the so-called “extended techniques” which are an unusual approach to their instrument to create “new” sounds. I feel that many musicians once they have mastered or at least gained experience with their instruments and then try the “free way” are failing to create very innovative sounds due to their own technical approach to the instrument.
Thinking about the “extended techniques” I wanted that the players of this piece tried to make sounds on the trumpet for the first time without any guidance to hear and capture real unexperienced non-intellectual / non avantgarde alike and non emotional sounds.
The instruction was "play the Trumpet" and after a few attempts and some *“failures” and a great amount of laughter ... I gave them (players) a few tips on how to position the lips on the mouthpiece and little details on blowing - (I´m not an expert myself but I started Sun Color performing with trumpet and electronics)… the result was interesting and a rewarding for the players that at least where able to create a “sound” with the instrument.
*(actually the so called failures are the key of this piece and the sounds produced in these first “failed” attempt are the most interesting and the ones that have been used to create the final composition).
Each player was recorded individually and in different moments , The “Ensemble” is the final Composition piece (sound/video-installation).
Thanks to all the Players on the Ensemble:
This piece is a on-going project because I incorporate new “players” constantly, making the composition and video edition a continued process, although the Brass Ensemble #1 is coming soon.