Pixel taxi was a sound and visual journey through the city of Shanghai.
When I started living in Shanghai in 2010 where I designed a Pavilion for the Expo, my exploration was through infinite and very strange taxi rides.
To make these trips, not speaking Chinese, someone writed down the direction where I should go on a piece of paper, and I showed it to the driver. The taxi drivers always told me "yes, very good", but in reality they did not understand what was written and for this reason, many times I ended up in endless trips, hours stuck in traffic jams and so on...
However, I remember these taxi trips with nostalgia as they were very interesting and magic. The communication with the driver was funny, as we both did not understand each other.
After a couple of months, when I got to know the city a little better, I decided to buy a bicycle and my life in China changed for better!. I decided to do this piece, as a nod to my unlikely taxi rides, making a pixelated taxi and riding around the city on it, but me as the driver/conductor.
The PIXEL alludes to the blurry, to the imperfect, in a society that highly values high definition (HD), it seemed to me that taxis were still in resolutions of the past (pixelated).