Field Recordings, Radio Art, Podcast, Soundwalks _
The interest in field recordings in my practice is not related to an archival or personal library approach, but instead focuses on a deeper understanding of our sonic environment, especially that related to nature and its wildlife.
Some of these files ends up totally transformed in my compositional pieces and some are used for sound installations, but in the last couple of years these recordings are intended for Bioacoustics means.
The intention is to transmit and share these files and data to monitor the changes that are happening in our environment and its soundscape, as well as the environmental problems that we are facing right now.
This makes it more necessary than ever to open new ways of sharing culture, knowledge, ideas and community action. For me, as a sound artist and explorer of acoustics, we are living in a crucial moment in which we need to listen carefully to the soundscape around us in order to develop a better relationship with it and as a tool to create a deeper connection with our environment, which unfortunately it is affected by pollution, noise, overpopulation, and climate change...